Thursday, May 24, 2012

We are in Guiyang!

Well, it has been 48 hours, 4 planes and 1 hotel along the way, but we are finally here!  Woo Hoo!  And as Amelia Bedilia would say, "We're plumb tired out".  Hannah was exhausted - too tired to really eat, and when we put her in her bed around 7:00, she was asleep in around 1 minute ...  It's now 8:00 and neither Lois nor I can keep our eyes open, so we are going to call it a night.  We will write more tomorrow.  Oh, we did get the word today that we will get Andrew at 2:00 PM on Monday, China time (that will be 2:00 AM Monday morning, EDT),   Thank you all for praying.  Good night ...

1 comment:

Pam and Bob said...

Sleep well y'all. Hope y'all can get out and see some sights tomorrow and try out some Chinese OREOS. Lemme know how they are.
And , an umbrella. I see it will be in the 70's and raining.
Did your luggage make it? Did you bring a jacket? ( 50's at night).
So excited for you all and Andrew. Monday will be an eternity getting here.